Saturday, September 10, 2011

So I begin...

Well, it seems everyone is doing it. Starting a blog, that is.
My sister just started one, at the request of her publishers (she's recently written a couple books... the subject of these books is a whole 'nother post); my MOM, a screenwriter, even has one. Acquaintances-of-friends that I meet at gatherings often manage to slip it into their conversations: "...yeah, I blogged about that place last month. On my BLOG...".
Yeah. I get it.
I suppose I've blogged a few times before (remember Diaryland?), and I often subject my friends over on facebook to my opinions on a regular basis, so this could really be seen as a natural progression... whatever. I'm already bored of myself.
The truth is, whether or not someone reads and/or responds to my posts is not really the point; the point of starting this is so that I have somewhere to write down all the stuff I'd like to pass on:
  • food-related things like recipes, restaurant reviews, etc.,
  • child-rearing tips and tricks and tribulations (I have loads of these),
  • day-to-day things I find that are interesting that I'd like to pass on.

Pretty much all the good stuff I'd like to happen upon if I had accidentally stumbled across someone else's blog. We'll see how long I can hang in there.

For more info about Me, check out my profile. Ugh... that sounded like a dating site.

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